The Statement

The Statement

Synopsis of The Statement

In France, 1992, 70-year-old Pierre (Michael Caine) has been hiding for nearly 50 years with the help of the Catholic Church. Now he is hiding in a monastery in the Provence region, living a life of anonymity. However, the people who wanted to kill Pierre did not stop hunting him. Once, Pierre accidentally found a report from a killer who came to kill him. It turned out that Pierre's whereabouts over the years had long been revealed to the French. It is under the control of the government and has been listed as a target of elimination by the military. The newly appointed army officer Roux (Jeremy Northam) is the person responsible for hunting him down. The panicked Pierre immediately left the monastery and embarked on the road to escape. However, what he didn't know was that the person chasing him at this time was the Nazi hunter Anne-Marie Levy (Tilda Sweeton). Roux and Anne-Marie also discovered the truth of what happened back then in the process of tracking Pierre, and there seemed to be a bigger conspiracy hidden in it. With the help of his friends and ex-wife, Pierre escapes from Roux and Anne-Marie again and again. Ten years have passed, can Pierre, who is getting older and older, still escape smoothly? The Jewish Assassin Organization, which hates Polossade, is tracking his whereabouts and trying to use law...

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